China’s Yangtze fish-rescue plan is a failure, study says

Five fish species, including the iconic Chinese sturgeon, have gone extinct, or will soon be extinct, because of dams on the Yangtze River in China, according to a paper released on 10 May in Science Advances1. The findings have reignited a long-running debate among Chinese scientists about the best way to rescue the species in the Yangtze, with some saying that the analysis is flawed.

The Yangtze River is a mighty 6,300-kilometre-long waterway and a global biodiversity hotspot that runs through 11 Chinese provinces. But over the past 50 years, six major hydropower dams and more than 24,000 smaller hydropower stations have been built in the river’s main stream and branches — with even more on the drawing board.

The dams were built to help generate electricity, provide flood protection and make the river easier to navigate. But dams can block migratory fishes and damage their habitat. To mitigate the effects of the dams, fish-rescue programmes have been in place in various forms since 1982, when the first dam was being constructed.

Huang Zhenli, the deputy engineer-in-chief at the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research in Beijing, and his colleague Li Haiying developed an analytical tool that models the impact of the Yangtze River dams on its fish populations.

They focused on five iconic species: the Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), the Yangtze sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus), the Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius), the Chinese sucker (Myxocyprinus asiaticus) and the largemouth bronze gudgeon (Coreius guichenoti).
他们重点关注了五个标志性物种:中华鲟鱼(Acipenser sinensis)、长江鲟鱼(Acipenser dabryanus)、中国白鲟(Psephurus gladius)、中华胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)和大口铜鱼(Coreius guichenoti)。

By the time of the analysis, the paddlefish was already extinct. The Yangtze sturgeons are being kept alive only through captive-breeding programmes. The Chinese sturgeon is critically endangered. The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the sucker as vulnerable, and the gudgeon as endangered.

The researchers’ modelling found that all five species will be entirely extinct or extinct in the wild by 2030.

David Dudgeon, a retired freshwater ecologist at the University of Hong Kong, says that the study is helpful in identifying the effect of the dams on the five species, particularly the understudied Chinese sucker. “There is nothing much that surprises me about the conclusions of the study,” he says. “It is good to see a well-integrated investigation of these five species.”

However, not all researchers are convinced by the study. Wei Qiwei, a conservation researcher at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, in Wuhan, says that the authors’ work “deserves to be encouraged”, but disagrees with their conclusions.

Wei — who co-authored a 2020 paper2 that declared the Chinese paddlefish extinct — says the predictions that all species will be extinct or near extinct in by 2030 can’t be relied on because the parameters in the analysis are uncertain and difficult to quantify.
魏——他与人合着了2020年的论文 2 ,宣布中国白鲟灭绝——他说,到2030年所有物种都将灭绝或接近灭绝的预测是不可靠的,因为分析中的参数是不确定的,难以量化。

Xie Ping, a freshwater ecologist at the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan, agrees that it might be too soon to draw definitive conclusions from the models’ findings. “More needs to be done to cover more fish species in more geographic regions, so as to validate the effectiveness of the models and to optimize their parameters,” Xie says.

‘Six misjudgements’ “六个错误判断”

The authors blame the dams, and the lack of specialized passageways for migratory fish to bypass the dams — known as fish-ladders — for the five species’ collapse.

“To prevent more migratory fishes from going extinct in China, [its] dam-related fish-rescue programmes must undergo fundamental changes,” Huang says.

As fish numbers continued to decline from the 1980s onwards, China stepped up its efforts to safeguard the ecology and environment of the Yangtze.

In 2021, it commenced a ten-year fishing ban and increased its restocking of the river with young, captive-bred fish.

An aerial photo shows Wudongde Hydropower Station damming the Jinsha River.
The Wudongde Hydropower Station on the Jinsha River, an upper stretch of the Yangtze, became operational in 2020 — after the Chinese paddlefish was declared extinct.Credit: CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty
位于长江上游金沙江上的乌东德水电站于2020年投入运营–此前中国白鲟被宣布灭绝。图片来源:CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty

However, the authors say that it was not enough. They describe “six misjudgements” of these fish-conservation campaigns, including that overfishing is the primary cause of the population declines; and that restocking is a “viable strategy” for mitigating the effects of the dams.

Wei and his team lead the scientific research behind the current conservation plan. He says that the dams’ impacts on fishes exist, but “one cannot ignore other factors”, such as overfishing.

“I believe if the 10-year fishing ban had been introduced to the Yangtze River 30 years earlier, the Chinese paddlefish would not be extinct. Nor would the Chinese sturgeon, the Yangtze sturgeon and the Chinese sucker get so close to extinction,” Wei notes.

As for restocking from captive-bred populations, he describes it as “the most important protection and restoration task” for the Chinese sturgeon and Yangtze sturgeon.

A 2023 study led by IHB researchers3 found that a 2017 pilot fishing ban introduced to the Chishui River — an upstream tributary of the Yangtze — was “an effective measure to facilitate fish resources recovery”.
由IHB研究人员 3 领导的2023年研究发现,2017年在长江上游支流赤水河引入的试点禁渔令是“促进鱼类资源恢复的有效措施”。

Steven Cooke, a biologist specializing in fish ecology and conservation at the Carleton University in Ottawa, says that science-based restocking can work “quite well” in cases such as the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in North America. “But if the habitat is degraded and fish can’t complete their life cycles, then stocked fish may not survive,” Cooke says.
渥太华卡尔顿大学专门研究鱼类生态和保护的生物学家史蒂文·库克说,以科学为基础的放养在北美的白色鲟鱼(Acipenser transmontanus)等情况下可以“相当好”。库克说:“但是,如果栖息地退化,鱼类无法完成它们的生命周期,那么放养的鱼类可能无法生存。”

Dudgeon, meanwhile, regards the paper’s criticism of restocking of the Yangtze as being “well-founded”.

“There is absolutely no evidence that sturgeon restocking has enhanced wild populations, despite the release of millions of cultured juveniles … [and] the fact that the practice has continued for many years,” he says.
“绝对没有证据表明鲟鱼放养增加了野生种群,尽管数百万的养殖幼鱼被释放…… [和]这种做法已经持续多年,”他说。