Three ways AI is changing the 2024 Olympics for athletes and fans

When more than 10,000 athletes from around 200 countries gather in Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games this week, they will have an all-new friendly — but faceless — voice to greet and guide them.

How do I reach my sporting venue? Can I livestream the opening ceremony? Will there be a computer refereeing my games? Where can I get freebies from sponsors?

These are just some of the questions that athletes will be able to ask AthleteGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot designed for them, accessible through the Athlete365 mobile app. It’ll be able to scour through “thousands of information pages very quickly, and be available 24/7 to answer questions”, says Todd Harple, the Olympics AI Innovation programme lead at Intel Labs in Hillsboro, Oregon, who is involved with the effort.

The chatbot — a large language model (LLM) built using an AI developed by Paris-based company Mistral AI and Intel’s Gaudi processors — is just one way in which AI is leaving its imprint on this year’s Olympics, which begin on 26 July. Few would have been familiar with LLMs or heard of ChatGPT during the last summer games, in Tokyo in 2021. But sprinters in Paris can only hope to match the strides that AI technologies have made since.
聊天机器人是一种大型语言模型(LLM),使用巴黎公司Mistral AI开发的人工智能和英特尔的高迪处理器构建,这只是人工智能在今年7月26日开始的奥运会上留下印记的一种方式。在2021年东京举行的上届夏季奥运会上,很少有人熟悉LLMs或听说过ChatGPT。但巴黎的短跑运动员只能希望能赶上人工智能技术自那时以来所取得的进步。

The International Olympics Committee (IOC) is embracing the technology. In April, it rolled out its AI agenda — an effort to streamline the explosive growth of AI research in sport and to strategize its use in the Olympics. “We have to be leaders of change, and not the object of change,” said Thomas Bach, the president of the IOC in Lausanne, Switzerland, at a press event in London, which showcased the capabilities of various AI sports tools.

Nature explores three ways in which AI is changing how athletes and spectators will experience the Olympic Games.

Athlete performance and training

As early as 1900, when Paris first hosted the Olympic Games, French scientist Étienne-Jules Marey was pioneering the use of technology to study athletes in motion. His high-speed chronophotography — which involved rigging a camera like a machine gun, feeding it photographic plates like ammunition to rapidly capture frames — snapped sprinters and long-jumpers. He analysed the body’s biomechanics to “discover the secret of superiority of certain athletes”, a Nature editorial commented in 1901.
早在1900年,当巴黎首次举办奥运会时,法国科学家Étienne-Jules Marey就率先使用技术来研究运动员的运动。他的高速计时摄影术–包括像机关枪一样操纵一台相机,像弹药一样喂给它感光板来快速捕捉画面–给短跑运动员和跳远运动员拍照。1901年,《自然》杂志的一篇社论评论说,他分析了身体的生物力学,“发现了某些运动员优越的秘密”。

Today, it is possible to do much more just by recording with a smartphone. Intel’s 3D athlete tracking (3DAT) technology uses AI to track 21 points across the human body to render its precise physical movement, providing “all the biomechanical insights that coaches look for” in elite athletes, Harple says. He thinks that such technologies will lead to closer competition and new records.

The ways in which AI is being used to enhance athletes’ performance range from designing custom-built athletic shoes and clothing to determining optimum nutrition and training schedules. “It may even accelerate our discovery of new strategies of playing sports,” he says. A historic example of such a fundamental change is the Fosbury flop — now the dominant style of high jump, and pioneered by US athlete Dick Fosbury at the 1968 Olympics.

Broadcast cameras installed at Bercy Arena for the Artistic Gymnastics competition ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Capturing photos and videos of movements and analysing the data is one way that athletes can enhance their performance with AI.Credit: Hector Vivas/Getty

The ease of collecting individual data, combined with AI analysis, could also help coaches to identify talent, making sports more equitable. In March, the IOC piloted a scouting programme that used 3DAT to identify more than 40 children in Senegal who showed promise in becoming Olympic athletes, by analysing simple drills such as running and jumping.

But sports and nations with big professional leagues will retain a big advantage, because they have the resources to gather high-quality data, and to train algorithms with them. “The problem with some of the Olympic sports is that there is not a big footprint of data,” says Patrick Lucey, chief scientist at the sports-technology company Stats Perform in Chicago, Illinois. This extends how the technology can be used in other aspects of these games, such as judging and officiating.
但拥有大型职业联赛的体育运动和国家将保持很大的优势,因为他们有资源收集高质量的数据,并用这些数据训练算法。伊利诺斯州芝加哥的体育技术公司Stats Perform的首席科学家帕特里克·露西说:“一些奥运项目的问题是没有大量的数据。”这扩展了该技术如何用于这些游戏的其他方面,例如裁判和裁判。

Refereeing and real-time data

Olympics water polo referee Frank Ohme is no stranger to AI. His day job as an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Heidelberg, Germany, involves hunting for signals of colliding black holes — sometimes with AI’s help — in noisy gravitational-wave data. But when he dons the all-white referee uniform in Paris, he’ll need to peer through splashing water waves to decide whether the ball has crossed the line into the goal.
奥运会波罗裁判Frank Ohme对AI并不陌生。他的日常工作是德国海德堡马克斯普朗克引力物理研究所的天体物理学家,包括在嘈杂的引力波数据中寻找碰撞黑洞的信号-有时在人工智能的帮助下。但是当他在巴黎穿上全白的裁判制服时,他需要透过飞溅的水波来判断球是否越过了球门线。

AI is already informing such decisions in sports including football, using information recorded by an array of cameras around the stadium and chips implanted in the ball. But it’s yet to catch on in other sports — and AI will probably be slower to pervade areas such as refereeing, which requires real-time data analysis.

Another hurdle is funding, and the specific needs of each sport — there will be 32 events at the Paris games. Despite water polo being the oldest Olympic team sport, there’s not nearly as much money in it as there is in basketball or football, says Ohme. Using AI in water polo would also present different challenges, such as training algorithms on images taken under water and in chaotic scenarios, he adds.

Precise and open communication is key whenever AI assistance is used to make calls in real time. “The easiest way to convince teams and spectators is to give them all the information through an image or visualization where they can determine [the call] themselves,” Ohme says.

It’s also hard to remove ambiguity in actions such as fouls in contact sports. These are split-second decisions that not even all humans can agree on. “I wouldn’t even know how to start putting those into numbers,” says Ohme, who thinks that detecting black holes is an easier task for AI in comparison.

Enhancing viewer experience

The torrents of data collected during the games will feed not only AI algorithms, but also television viewers hungry for statistics. “Sport is its own language. It crosses barriers to help everyone communicate,” Lucey says. Statistics and numbers enrich these conversations by providing extra benchmarks for comparison. “Of course people want that,” he adds.

Broadcasters are rushing to find ways to augment this new wealth of information and put it onto television screens. Viewers were enthralled when the virtual world-record line was superimposed onto the screen for television viewers during the Sydney 2000 games. In 2024, broadcasters have the ability to display much more, such as acceleration, top speeds and stride lengths, says Harple.

What excites Harple most is the prospect of personalized highlights made available to viewers through Intel’s Geti computer-vision AI platform, which could be a feature of future broadcasts. With so much sporting action being recorded simultaneously, Harple says that the ability of AI to pick out exactly what viewers want to see will be a game-changer. This could be particularly beneficial for coaches and broadcasters from nations that have more limited access to production resources. “If someone wants every three-point shot made by the Nigerian men’s basketball team, AI can go through all the footage and automatically put them together,” he says.